Knoxville OBGYN- Medication During Pregnancy

Pelvic Reconstruction

What You Need to Know

What is Pelvic Reconstruction?

Pelvic Reconstruction reconstructs the pelvic floor with the goal of restoring the organs to their original position. Some types of reconstructive surgery are done through an incision in the vagina. Others are done through an incision in the abdomen or with laparoscopy.

What are the types of pelvic reconstruction?

The types of pelvic reconstruction include the following:

· Fixation or suspension using your own tissues (uterosacral ligament suspension and sacrospinous fixation)—These procedures are performed through the vagina and may involve less recovery time than those performed through the abdomen. A procedure to prevent urinary incontinence may be done at the same time.

· Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy—Because these procedures are performed through the vagina, recovery time usually is shorter than with procedures performed through the abdomen.

· Sacrocolpopexy and sacrohysteropexy—These abdominal procedures may result in less pain during sex than procedures performed through the vagina.

· Surgery using vaginally placed mesh—Mesh placed through the vagina has a significant risk of complications, including mesh erosion, pain, and infection. Because of these risks, vaginally placed mesh for pelvic organ prolapse usually is reserved for women in whom previous surgery has not worked, who have a medical condition that makes abdominal surgery risky, or whose own tissues are too weak to repair without mesh.

What is involved in recovery after surgery to treat pelvic organ prolapse?

Recovery time varies depending on the type of surgery. You usually need to take a few weeks off from work. For the first few weeks, you should avoid vigorous exercise, lifting, and straining. You also should avoid sexual intercourse for several weeks after surgery.

Contact Women's Care Group

Schedule an appointment if you have any questions or concerns about this procedure.